The Nutritional Benefits of Eggs
Whether on their own, in desserts or in baked dishes, eggs are huge parts of a person’s daily diet. Back in the day, eggs received a lot of negative reviews because people were concerned that they may cause high cholesterol that could lead to heart disease. However, we now know that this isn’t true. In fact, eggs come with a lot of nutritional benefits for us.
Average eggs have around five grams of fat, six grams of protein and about 74 calories. Their small shells are filled with goodness and nutrients, which benefit our bodies. First of all, eggs have an essential nutrient known as choline that helps with optimal cardiovascular, brain and memory functions. Second of all, eggs have various amino acids, vitamins and nutrients. Nutrients like lutein are the most beneficial of all because they help reduce the chances of cataracts and macular degeneration. Several vitamins that eggs provide also include vitamins A, B, D and E. Such vitamins help in promoting growth, maintaining glowing and healthy skin and fortifying and strengthening bones. Several essential minerals that they have would be iodine and zinc, as well as iron that helps prevent anemia and calcium, which is important for healthy development and maintenance of bones.
It is possible to eat eggs in various forms, ways and shapes. They can be scrambled, boiled, fried, poached, or made into omelets. They can also be used in recipes for savory dishes, cakes, mayonnaise and dessert. To avoid salmonella poisoning, however, it would be essential never to consume raw eggs, especially if you are a pregnant woman.
These benefits aside, eggs are also known to reduce breast cancer risk, eyesight loss and numerous heart diseases – more reasons to grab some eggs to enjoy all of their offered benefits of nutrition.