Benefits of Early Reading
Reading books to your children can have a positive impact on their intellectual, emotional, and social aptitude when they grow up. You can read aloud kid’s stories to them on a regular basis, improving their concentration ability, not to mention that it gives them a solid foundation. Although you may not have sufficient time to read stories to your children, here are some of the reasons why you should set time aside for them.
1. Better comprehension
Comprehension simply means gaining knowledge or grasping an idea or concept. Children who are not fluent in reading out loud are not able recollect information, which affects learning. Difficulty in comprehension can have a negative impact on their performance. Therefore, early reading can help improve their concentration as well as their learning ability.
2. Decoding
This is the act of turning letters (graphemes) into sounds (phenomes). Early reading improves decoding in young children who are experiencing difficulties in reading words. In other words, children learn how to pronounce basic words as well as sounds.
3. Improves fluency
Fluent readers can quickly comprehend a text and read it with expression. By adding ‘’read aloud sessions” in your daily routine, you children will improve on fluency, which in turn will improve their concentration on understanding texts. Essentially, knowing how to interpret and comprehend a text will enhance their fluency.
4. Builds their vocabulary
Readers who are familiar to a variety of words have meaningful reading. In other words, they can understand different kinds of text without any difficulties whatsoever. Early reading therefore plays a role in improving your child’s vocabulary.
Although you might not have time to read stories to your children due to a variety of reasons, it is important to sacrifice a few hours of your time for your kinds. Early reading is time consuming, but is definitely worth it.
Great as far as it goes but you should emphasize the importance of being read to as a child. Even parents who are poor readers themselves can manage most children’s books. Don’t let this carry over to your child!