Toilet Revolution-Compost Toilets
The water and sanitation problem in the developing world is far too big. Safe water and the dignity of a toilet for all should be the first and foremost right.
A’Â composting toilet’Â is a type of’Â dry toilet’Â that uses aerobic’Â processing system to treat’Â human excreta, by’Â composting’Â or managed aerobic’Â decomposition. Originally commercialized in Sweden, composting toilets have been an established technology for more than 30 years. A composting toilet system contains and processes excrement, toilet paper, carbon additive, and sometimes, food waste. Public health professionals are beginning to recognize the need for environmentally sound human waste treatment and recycling methods.
The composting toilet is a non water-carriage system that is well-suited for remote areas where water is scarce, or areas with low percolation, shallow soil or rough terrain. Composting toilet systems can be used almost anywhere a flush toilet can be used. They are typically used for seasonal homes, homes in remote areas that cannot use flush toilets.
Benefits of Composting Toilets-
1. Composting toilet systems do not require water for flushing, and thus, reduce domestic water consumption.
2. Composting toilet systems have low power consumption.
3. These systems reduce the quantity and strength of wastewater to be disposed of onsite.
4. They are especially suited for new construction at remote sites where conventional onsite systems are not feasible.
5. They produce a valuable end-product that can be used to fertilise the soil.
6. These systems help in elimination of need for transportation of waste for treatment.
7. They help in reducing area occupied by the septic tank.
8. They do not pollute the ground or surface water or the soil.
9. They do not produce flies or smell.
10. The evaporative plant bed can support growth of attractive flowers and fuel wood.
11. They are easy to use and install with no odours.
Composting toilets are green toilets that can be used with minimal water in areas where discharging nutrients or chemicals commonly found in human wastewater could negatively affect the environment. The basic concept has been around for at least a half century. The idea is to take human waste and convert it into compost that can be used for fertilizing and growing plants, or, in other words, to recycle the nutrients back to the earth in a full circle. Composting toilets are ideal in domestic and outhouse applications where normal toilets are not possible.
The primary objective of composting toilet systems is to contain, immobilize, or destroy pathogens, thereby reducing the risk of human infection to acceptable levels without contaminating the environment or negatively affecting the life of its inhabitants. This should be accomplished in a manner that is consistent with good sanitation, thus producing an inoffensive and reasonably dry end-product that can be handled with minimum risk.
Composting toilet systems may require organic bulking agents to be added, such as grass clippings, leaves, sawdust, or finely chopped straw. The agents composting by providing a source of carbon for the bacteria, as well as keeping the pile porous for proper air distribution.
It is important to realize that any compost toilet programme also requires an education’Â programme to ensure that the principals of use and maintenance are clearly understood and’Â accepted by the user group.