Benefits of ASP.NET MVC
The ASP.NET MVC framework has proven very stable, mature and useful web application for users. Nonetheless, with the introduction of other systems in web designs, another alternative was designed. The ASP.NET MVC2.0 is a free web tool that gives you ultimate control over the HTML and URL page, with both testability and SoC in mind.
1. SoC
From a practical point of view, the coding with MVC was designed in a clean, granular and organized manner, making it easier to scale due to better functionality. The ASP.NET MVC platform promotes better designs.
2. User friendly interface
ASP.NET MVC is easily integrated with other tools (user friendly tools and features). Due to advancement in technology, web apps are increasingly becoming user friendly like apps you have on your desktop. In other words, MVC allows you to integrate applications more seamless and with ease as opposed to web forms.
3. SEO friendly
The reason ASP.NET MVC has become a popular platform in web design is the fact that its URL’s is user friendly. Likewise, it is stateless, which eliminates the nuisance of using multiple web apps from a single window. Since it is stateless, it integrates easily with other web protocols.
4. Better control
The ASP.NET MVC framework has better control as it automatically generate HTML as the pages are being rendered. Although most programmers find it a challenge, ASP.NETMVC gives them ultimate control over the pages being rendered, not to mention that HTML is typically smaller which equates to better performance.
5. Test development
With MVC, developers can easily carry out tests to ensure web apps run smoothly. There is also an additional level of testing that prevents the development of unexpected behavior.
The main drawback of ASP.NET MVC in web development is that you can’t code when you need customization.