Benefits of accreditation you didn’t know
Accreditation is a procedure of meeting up to the quality standards in an organization or program set up by unbiased consumers, stakeholders, professionals, regional and national or international bodies. The goal of the accreditation program is to secure and sustain a certain standard of faculties and infrastructure in an organization so that the sole purpose of the accredited organization reaches the end consumers satisfactorily. Benefits of accreditation can be viewed from three stances namely: – benefits of clients/consumers served by accredited organizations, benefits of organizations being accredited, and benefits of funding bodies.
Some of the vital benefits of accreditation from certified equitable bodies, viewed from three standpoints mentioned above are listed below:-
A promise of providing certain quality standards which will either level or exceed the national or international standard depending upon the accrediting body.
Assurance of maintaining same quality standard across the region in all accredited service provider organization/programs.
A vow to end users of privacy policy, customer support, proper pricing, and dynamic quality improvement, mitigating the customer requirement trend. Example: Public health accredited organization pledge to ensure better competence in facing complicated and emerging medical cases.
Consumer based planning processes provide customer to incorporate their own planning for their services.
Graduates from accredited educational institutions when employed encourage the consumers have to confirmation of the high quality staff service whereas employers get the assurance of the ability to mitigate current and future requirements of their industry.
Perspectives of accredited organization are:
Increase of the faith of providing excellent service to the consumers and have ample infrastructure to strive for the excellence of their standards.
Improves work culture, staff morale and management.
Scope of receiving feedbacks in the accreditation site review / survey form sound and skilled personalities.
Improved efficiency and accountability.
A prominent benefit of accreditation rests upon the velocity towards establishing accountability and credibility to stakeholders, partners and funding communities.
Seizure of periodic audit programs organized by funding bodies. What requires is only an audit on annual financial statement.
Evaluations by ongoing program regarding impact, competence and customer satisfaction.
An assurance that the accredited organization is well run with efficient faculties and infrastructure and will provide good return investment.
Discerning the common difficulties of similar organizations and make necessary amendments through focused training for example.
Concluding, when it is clear that the accreditation scheme monitors the services rendered by service providers against the agreed quality benchmark, it is variously noted that such strategy is not becoming effective and workable under certain environments, for example, a cluster of different single providers and where the resources are constrained. Such ventures are mainly effective when they are qualified service providers having a strict and systematic professional hierarchy. So accreditation to some extent should be sensitive towards browbeating process control momentum on organizations. Measures to reduce it may incur public grievances though nevertheless the accreditation scheme is highly impactful in the political, social, administrative, legislative framework of any developed, as well as developing countries across the globe.