Benefits Of Hemp

Benefits Of Hemp The scientific name of hemp is “cannabis sativa.” And it is commonly also known as Marijuana. Since the past thousands years hemp was being used for the commercial production of things like paper, canvas, rope, and textiles. Many years ago marijuana or hemp was banned without taking care of the numerous benefits … Read more

Benefits Of Hemp seed

Benefits Of Hemp seed Industrial hemp produces another useful product for use by human population. This very beneficial product from the hemp plant is the hemp seed. Hemp seed and the oil extracted from is considered to be the most perfect and balanced combination of the Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) found in nature. The seed … Read more

Benefits of Hemp Oil

Benefits Of Hemp Oil The Hemp plant produces seeds that contain rich quantities of pure oil. The oil present in hemp seeds contains approximately 75 to 80% the good fat i.e. the polyunsaturated fatty acid. Only 9 to 11% of less preferred saturated fatty acids are present in hemp oil. Hemp seeds enclose approximately 40% … Read more