Six Amazing Health Benefits of Sovereign Silver to the Body

Six Amazing Health Benefits of Sovereign Silver to the Body Sovereign silver also known as colloidal silver has the same effects to the body as the antibiotics. However, sovereign silver is not involved in destroying the important body enzymes like the antibiotics. This is one of the reasons as to why sovereign silver use is … Read more

Benefits of irradiated food

Benefits of irradiated food Irradiated food refer to food items that underwent the process of irradiation. ‘ In this process, various food items such as fruits, vegetables, and meat are exposed to an ionizing form of radiation such as those from gamma rays or x-rays. ‘ The process works similarly to microwaves but the major difference is … Read more

Benefits Of Sodium Bicarbonate

Benefits of Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium bicarbonate, also called bread soda, baking soda or cooking soda, has various household applications. It is also used to manufacture medicines as it has the capability of eliminating fungi and bacteria. Its disinfectant properties make it useful in cleaning agents and other medicines. The following are benefits of sodium bicarbonate. … Read more