Benefits of Quitting Coffee

Benefits of Quitting Coffee

Quitting coffee is a very beneficial step that you can take in order to improve your health.Â’ Stress and caffeine are directly related, meaning that you are never going to experience theÂ’ great energy of a regular raw food diet till you quit coffee. Here are other benefits of quittingÂ’ coffee.
1. Enhances bone health
One of the key health benefits that come with quitting coffee is that it enhances the health ofÂ’ the bones. Coffee is acidic and since the body requires maintaining its PH levels, then it has toÂ’ neutralize acidity in order to function well. If you are taking a lot of coffee, then the body robsÂ’ the bones of its vital calcium because it is alkaline in nature. For that reason, quitting coffeeÂ’ ensures that this does not happen and helps to avoid brittle bones, arthritis, osteoporosis andÂ’ many other complications.
2. Weight loss
Regular consumption of caffeine can lead to weight gain in several ways. It causes the liver toÂ’ release glycogen which increases levels of blood sugar. In order to fix this particular problem,Â’ the pancreas secretes insulin. This insulin is going to store the additional sugar as fat, whichÂ’ leads to weight gain. As a result, if you want to achieve your weight loss goals, then you shouldÂ’ quit drinking coffee immediately.
3. Alleviates stress and tension
Caffeine does not provide the body real energy and it is highly likely that you are going toÂ’ feel exhausted and stressed once the effects of caffeine subside. Through quitting coffee youÂ’ will also be able to get adequate amount of sleep and thus your body will be able to rest andÂ’ recover well. Quitting coffee reduces panic and anxiety attacks as well.Â’ The main disadvantage of quitting coffee is that you are going to experience someÂ’ discomforting withdrawal symptoms similar to quitting other drugs. For instance, you are goingÂ’ to experience headaches and mood swings.

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